Header Forward + 1 ip + 1 port as a multiple service port

You can use Single ip and single port as a multi service port. For instance, you can open port 80 as standard http server as default service, and at the same time enable header forward. If first data header arrives from client, it can forward to another port like 1433(MSSQL), or 2222(Agent server). No need to open port 80 on ip of computer 1 for http, and port 80 on ip of computer 2 for Agent server (or MSSQL, or other server). That means 1 port is serving 2 server services or more. Using header forward from 80 to 2222, is to bypass firewall detection. Most network firewall is allowed out going to http server (port 80), but not allow other ports. We opened a port 80 to let your listener/forwarder to connect to our Agent server.