SMTP by Agent Forwarder

The case is we cannot send email from to This is not allowed to make self test email in Hong Kong. Therefore we find out a server located outside Hong Kong office. Actually site B is China.
We use Forwarder in site B, it is because site B server do not have a global/public ip, we need to use agent listener + agent forwarder to make connection.
A. Start Listener on site A computer
1. Go to Agent page, input the Port Forward Definitions:,25,,25,TCP
2. Input user name = 123456789012, password = 789123 (change according to your registration info)
3. Input S Port = 80, IP = in Client Common (change if you have your own IP and Agent Server started)
4. Click Start(2) button.
B. Start Forwarder on site B computer.
1. Go to Agent page, input user name = 123456789012, password = 789123 (change according to your registration info)
2. Input S Port = 80, IP = in Client Common (change if you have your own IP and Agent Server started)
3. Click Start(3) button.
Start send email through site A computer with port = 25.
We use Forwarder in site B, it is because site B server do not have a global/public ip, we need to use agent listener + agent forwarder to make connection.
A. Start Listener on site A computer
1. Go to Agent page, input the Port Forward Definitions:,25,,25,TCP
2. Input user name = 123456789012, password = 789123 (change according to your registration info)
3. Input S Port = 80, IP = in Client Common (change if you have your own IP and Agent Server started)
4. Click Start(2) button.
B. Start Forwarder on site B computer.
1. Go to Agent page, input user name = 123456789012, password = 789123 (change according to your registration info)
2. Input S Port = 80, IP = in Client Common (change if you have your own IP and Agent Server started)
3. Click Start(3) button.
Start send email through site A computer with port = 25.