Magic Starter (MS.EXE) Configuration

You can put the following command line in MS.txt. If you click MS.exe, it will start up with all predefined configuration. If command line without full path, Magic Starter will run the MR.exe on the same folder.
C:\Program Files\MagicRouter\MR.EXE -lp=5901 -th= -tp=5955
MR.EXE -lp=5901 -th= -tp=5955
If your parameters are too many (over 255 char), use -cf para, like the following. And put all parameters inside config.1.txt file. By default Magic Router will save with default file format, config.x.txt, where x is s saved file sequence.
MR.EXE -cf=config.1.txt
MR.EXE -cf= config.Name.txt
C:\Program Files\MagicRouter\MR.EXE -lp=5901 -th= -tp=5955
MR.EXE -lp=5901 -th= -tp=5955
If your parameters are too many (over 255 char), use -cf para, like the following. And put all parameters inside config.1.txt file. By default Magic Router will save with default file format, config.x.txt, where x is s saved file sequence.
MR.EXE -cf=config.1.txt
MR.EXE -cf= config.Name.txt