File Description

MR.EXE - Magic Router, program start up file. If you start up not as ActiveX mode or System Service, MR.EXE must start first. Then it will release and load MM.EXE instead.
MM.EXE - Magic Router core, you cannot direct run this file.
MD.DAT - This is the data file of Magic Router core, missing will cause program unusable.
MSWINSCK.OCX - Windows Socket Active X Control, used for socket programming.
We can change MR.EXE or MM.EXE to this file format: MR80.EXE and MM80.EXE
where 80 is refer to a port number, or you can change to other number or text.
where 80 is also the middle part of config file name (config.80.txt).
and these 2 file name must start from MR*.EXE, and MM*.EXE.
Change file name used to identify this exe under process list. Since Magic Router is allowed to bind 1 port in standard routing, if you need to use magic router to bind to another port, you need to start up another instance. You must keep 1 MR.EXE and 1 MM.EXE under the same directory, otherwise software will not allow to start up.
MR.EXE can run from command prompt, direct start from file explorer or start up by other program.
INSTALL.BAT - If you cannot start Magic Router or ActiveX, login/run as administrator and click this file to install component. This file is special for ActiveX usage.
Use InstallActiveX.exe instead of INSTALL.BAT after version 1.0.0.
MS.EXE - Magic - Starter, start up a list of MR.EXE by this small starter with or without config file.
MS.TXT - List of command to start up all MR.EXE.
DBCSTORE.MDB - Database for firewall, quota and user list. If you enable firewall, quota or user authentication (server mode), DBCSTORE.MDB is a must.
INDEX.HTML - Remote Management Home Page, start from
HELP.HTML - Remote Management Help Page, show all setting parameters, start from
config.txt - It is support multiple config file name. Save config.n.txt as your save config for a specific setting, where n can a port number or text string.
ie. config.80.txt, config.listener.txt
you must save config.txt to config.n.txt before you start Magic Router, otherwise config.n.txt will not be loaded.
You can select this config.n.txt file from Magic Router Control Panel. This file name will also be used in System Service.
ie. -cf=config.80.txt
To better manage your Magic Router Program, 1 folder to store 1 setting is preferred. Since under the same folder, all connection log, error log and data log are stored to the same file name. You cannot easy find out the information is come from which listen port.
Blackip.txt - Store all black ip. If firewall or quota enabled, ip will be blocked to access. You can use single ip or group ip, ie.,
Whiteip.txt - Store all while ip. If firewall or quota enabled, ip will allow to access and bypass black ip checking.
ConnLog.txt - Log all connection request before firewall checking.
DataLog.txt - Log all data between client side application or server side, special for debug or protocol analysis.
ErrLog.txt - Log all error. If you find something strange in using Magic Router, see ErrLog.txt for hints.
README.TXT - Usage and Help. You can find more on our support center.
User.txt - Store user name and password line by line. The first line is header, not used. If Magic Router is started as server mode and user authentication is enabled, this file is needed.
All config.*.txt - file are now stored in Config folder. Config file parameters see help.html for full reference.
Bin folder - is storing functions for compression, file sharing and raw packet viewer.
Mswinsck.ocx, Install.bat are applicable to version 1.0.0 ONLY.
MM.EXE - Magic Router core, you cannot direct run this file.
MD.DAT - This is the data file of Magic Router core, missing will cause program unusable.
MSWINSCK.OCX - Windows Socket Active X Control, used for socket programming.
We can change MR.EXE or MM.EXE to this file format: MR80.EXE and MM80.EXE
where 80 is refer to a port number, or you can change to other number or text.
where 80 is also the middle part of config file name (config.80.txt).
and these 2 file name must start from MR*.EXE, and MM*.EXE.
Change file name used to identify this exe under process list. Since Magic Router is allowed to bind 1 port in standard routing, if you need to use magic router to bind to another port, you need to start up another instance. You must keep 1 MR.EXE and 1 MM.EXE under the same directory, otherwise software will not allow to start up.
MR.EXE can run from command prompt, direct start from file explorer or start up by other program.
INSTALL.BAT - If you cannot start Magic Router or ActiveX, login/run as administrator and click this file to install component. This file is special for ActiveX usage.
Use InstallActiveX.exe instead of INSTALL.BAT after version 1.0.0.
MS.EXE - Magic - Starter, start up a list of MR.EXE by this small starter with or without config file.
MS.TXT - List of command to start up all MR.EXE.
DBCSTORE.MDB - Database for firewall, quota and user list. If you enable firewall, quota or user authentication (server mode), DBCSTORE.MDB is a must.
INDEX.HTML - Remote Management Home Page, start from
HELP.HTML - Remote Management Help Page, show all setting parameters, start from
config.txt - It is support multiple config file name. Save config.n.txt as your save config for a specific setting, where n can a port number or text string.
ie. config.80.txt, config.listener.txt
you must save config.txt to config.n.txt before you start Magic Router, otherwise config.n.txt will not be loaded.
You can select this config.n.txt file from Magic Router Control Panel. This file name will also be used in System Service.
ie. -cf=config.80.txt
To better manage your Magic Router Program, 1 folder to store 1 setting is preferred. Since under the same folder, all connection log, error log and data log are stored to the same file name. You cannot easy find out the information is come from which listen port.
Blackip.txt - Store all black ip. If firewall or quota enabled, ip will be blocked to access. You can use single ip or group ip, ie.,
Whiteip.txt - Store all while ip. If firewall or quota enabled, ip will allow to access and bypass black ip checking.
ConnLog.txt - Log all connection request before firewall checking.
DataLog.txt - Log all data between client side application or server side, special for debug or protocol analysis.
ErrLog.txt - Log all error. If you find something strange in using Magic Router, see ErrLog.txt for hints.
README.TXT - Usage and Help. You can find more on our support center.
User.txt - Store user name and password line by line. The first line is header, not used. If Magic Router is started as server mode and user authentication is enabled, this file is needed.
All config.*.txt - file are now stored in Config folder. Config file parameters see help.html for full reference.
Bin folder - is storing functions for compression, file sharing and raw packet viewer.
Mswinsck.ocx, Install.bat are applicable to version 1.0.0 ONLY.